lashio district造句
- Prior to 2011, it was part of Hopang District and Lashio District.
- Prior to 2011, it belonged to Lashio District.
- "' Mongmao Township "'is a township of Lashio District of Shan State, formerly and conterminously part of Hopang District.
- Lashio is the administrative center of Lashio Township and Lashio District; before April 2010, it was also the administrative center of Shan State ( North ).
- In Brigade 1, Lwan Daunt led Battalion 2, Zaw Bon led Battalion 8 and Daung Khaung led Battalion 9; they were responsible for Lashio district.
- It's difficult to see lashio district in a sentence. 用lashio district造句挺难的
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